Glasbury on Wye, Hereford HR3 5NJ 
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Ready to explore?

nickgreen678 • Mar 11, 2020


It's time to get outside and start exploring. And we're here to help, guide and advise. 

Here at Glanhenwye Courtyard Cottages we're in the perfect spot to get out and explore some of the most beautiful countryside the UK has to offer - all right on our doorstep. 
This winter has seen some pretty wild weather and to be honest, I haven't seen many canoes or kayaks on the River Wye (there have been some brave souls) and the Black Mountains have been relatively quiet.
But now's the time. 
We've all been cooped up inside and we're ready to break out, get some fresh air (especially at this time when no-one knows what's going to happen with the Coronavirus) and enjoy the beautiful British countryside.

Are you ready to explore? Don't worry if you haven't been in the hills for a while - we're here to advise and help and we're ready to do guided walks for our guests. 
By Nick Green 04 Jun, 2019
It was this time last year I fell for this beautiful part of the world. And I can't wait for the same long hot summer evenings and lots more exploring. Bring on summer 2019! We're not quite there yet but we will be soon ... This place just lights up when the sun shines. The mountains near Glanhenwye draw you in and call out to be walked. And that's so good for us. There is now clear evidence of the benefits of being outside. We all spend way too much time inside, glued to screens and busy doing loads of stuff. Most of it necessary - it's what makes life tick and it pays the bills. But we also need to get out, smell the fresh air and do different stuff as well. Many parts of the country people flock to are just as busy as the places they are trying to get away from. In this little, relatively unexplored bit of the country you can get outside and get away from everything and everyone really easily - without getting stuck in a traffic jam every day. Start by exploring the National Trust land at The Begwyns or head up to Gospel Pass by bike or explore on foot (and see if you can work out which film used it in the opening scenes). Alternatively, try canoeing on the River Wye. Walk a chunk of Offas Dyk e or head off into the Black Mountains to see why people keep coming back to this area. And when you're done, explore Hay-on-Wye and the many bookshops that have helped make it what it is. It's a fabulous place just waiting to be explored and enjoyed. Come and explore and see what makes this beautiful part of the country so special.
By Nick Green 07 May, 2019
The whole of Hay on Wye is getting ready to step out on to the world stage, put its best foot forward, be on its A-Game etc. etc. Yes, the world renowned Hay Festival is about to start and I can’t wait. It’s many years since I was last in the town during the Festival and we’re so looking forward to getting stuck in to all the great stuff that’s scheduled over 10 exciting days. Of course Glanhenwye Courtyard Cottages will be playing its role, hosting guests, friends and visitors throughout the Festival period. Being in Glasbury we’ve got the choice of paddling down the river to the festival site or maybe more practically taking the shuttle bus each day. And of course it’s not just the Hay Festival we’ve got to look forward to; the town also proudly hosts the world’s (yep, you read that right) biggest philosophy and music festival - Howthelightgetsin. So much going on and so much to do. Can’t wait. And if the Festivals aren’t your bag, the Black Mountains will be open for business as usual. We had a fantastic walk up there yesterday with some great friends of ours who loved the wildness of the hills and the natural beauty that’s all around us. So whether it’s reading, philosophising, networking, celeb spotting, bird watching or cycling that brings you here over the next few weeks … you’re very welcome and we hope you have the very best time. Share the fun and remember to tag us on Instagram @glanhenwye_cottages
By Nick Green 07 May, 2019
Over eight months ago we discovered GHW in this beautiful part of the world and decided to up sticks and move lock, stock and barrel from Chipping Norton to Glanhenwye. And now we're here! Our first guests arrive in a couple of weeks and we can't wait to greet them with a freshly baked cake (must master the Aga by then) and a big smile as they drive in to this beautiful 200 year old Welsh cobbled courtyard. This is a really special place and the three cottages are going to give our guests some special holiday memories. Julie and I have been on numerous cottage holidays over the years - with and without kids - and we understand the things that make the little differences for people. We're excited to welcome our guests.
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